Teens, oh yes. I have that in spades right now!
But I actually love it, and they are awesome!!!! As an update, we have 4 teens living in the house with us at the moment. Brandon 18, Amberly 16, J.T 14, and we also have my 14-year-old niece Chrissy staying with us for this semester.
They all are very independent, very opinionated, overall awesome kids. I like that they are independent, and that they have strong opinions. However, they are all extremely stubborn!
Ok, here is my thing about kids being stubborn… it is a double-edged sword. Extreme bull-headed-ness is frightful to go against (although it MUST be done. Even if you are mentally picturing banging YOUR head against the wall.)
On the other hand, I think they need this stubbornness to be able to survive in our world and still be the amazing people they were born to be.
Let me tell you why they need this stubbornness. It is because they need to be able to stand strong in a world that is morally bereft.
Now don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of good people out there, but a lot of our core values that are crucial to developing fine upstanding young women and young men, have been tossed aside and are now considered narrow-minded or old-fashioned. This is truly heartbreaking!
So as parents we are tasked with teaching and preparing our children to stand strong in the face of opposition, and derision. To have a close relationship with their Heavenly Father. Pray when they are happy or sad, need help, or to give thanks. To turn to God and scripture and family for answers rather than social media.
Lol. I tell my teenagers that they are adults in training. That I expect them to make mistakes, because now is the time were I can help them and lovingly guide them through their problems (not solve the problems for them.) I teach them that mistakes are ok. That they are learning experiences, and they help us stretch and grow to be better.
And here is where the stubbornness is a GOOD thing! Because as they make mistakes and learn and grow, they KNOW what is right and what is wrong! Then they can use this “stubbornness” as the gift it is…to stand strong, to choose the right, to choose compassion and kindness, and to be the best people they were born to be!
I hope my little musings helps someone out there, or are at least amusing…and made you smile! Please leave comments below if I have helped, or you agree, or if you are struggling with the same thing.
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